flowchart LR AA{{Structural Racism}} --> A A[Residential segregation] --> B(Spatial Dissimilarity) A --> C(Increased vulnerability) C --> D{Infection <br> Inequity} B --> D
Modeling the joint socio-structural and spatial drivers of infection inequity
Statistical Methods for Infectious Disease Across Scales
Penn State University
Jon Zelner
Dept. of Epidemiology
Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health
University of Michigan School of Public Health
✉️ jzelner@umich.edu
🌐 epibayes.io
Brief overview of what has - and hasn’t - been done to mechanistically link residential segregation to infection inequity.
An attempt to make sense of the impact of different aspects of segregation on basic quantities like \(R_0\).
Discussion of what this all has to do with spatial analysis.
Conceptual model of racism as a fundamental cause of health inequity (From Phelan and Link (4))
Segregation restricts access to healthcare and health-promoting physical environments.
Inequity in purchasing power due to artificially inflated housing, food and other costs.
Increased risk of crime victimization, overpolicing, and police violence.
How to apply this thinking to infectious disease transmission is still very much an open question.
Example of spatial separation of Hindus and Muslims in Mumbai from Susewind (6)
Spatial separation is the most obvious feature of segregation.
Often captured by metrics of clustering or spatial distributiuon including dissimilarity and Moran’s I.
When we conflate separation with vulnerability, we risk attributing the wrong spatial causes to disparities in infection outcomes.
Represents the relative increase in per-contact risk of infection among members of segregated populations.
Can also be thought of as relative vulnerability to infection.
May result from household crowding, increased occupational risk, comorbidities and other factors
flowchart LR AA{{Structural Racism}} --> A A[Residential segregation] --> B(Spatial Dissimilarity) A --> C(Increased vulnerability) C --> D{Infection <br> Inequity} B --> D
As a public employee of the state of Michigan, I am contractually obligated to include at least 1 (one) automotive metaphor per talk.
\(\epsilon\) controls spatial dissimilarity, i.e. the degree of within vs. between-group mixing.
Parameter \(\rho \ge 1\) characterizes the change in risk associated with increasing concentration.
Use the spectral approach to estimating \(R_0\) (10) and numerical simulation to understand the implications of these mechanisms.
\[ \begin{aligned} \lambda_1 &= \beta \rho S_1 \left(\epsilon \frac{ I_1}{N_1} + (1-\epsilon)\frac{I_1 + I_2}{N}\right) \\ \lambda_2 &= \beta S_2 \left(\epsilon \frac{I_2}{N_2} + (1-\epsilon)\frac{I_1 + I_2}{N}\right) \\ \end{aligned} \qquad(1)\]
Representative of an endemic infection with no protection against reinfection.
Useful for looking at broad patterns of inequity.
Pathogen-specific natural histories will be necessary for thinking more concretely about interventions etc.
\[ \begin{aligned} \frac{dS_1}{dt} &= - \lambda_1 + \gamma I_1 \\ \frac{dS_2}{dt} &= -\lambda_2 + \gamma I_2 \\ \frac{dI_1}{dt} &= \lambda_1 - \gamma I_1 \\ \frac{dI_2}{dt} &= \lambda_2 - \gamma I_2 \end{aligned} \]
Preferential mixing only impacts R0 in the presence of differential vulnerability to infection between groups
Changes in relative risk are driven by the interaction of concentration and isolation
flowchart TD AA{{Structural Racism}} --> A A[Residential <br> segregation] --> B(Spatial <br> Dissimilarity) A --> C(Increased <br> vulnerability) C --> D{Infection <br> Inequity} B --> D
We should expect the observable dimensions of segregation to be correlated since they share a common, fundamental, cause.
We can model \(\rho\) as a function of \(\epsilon\)
\[ \rho(\epsilon) = 1 + (1- \epsilon) \zeta_\rho \]
Where \(\zeta_\rho\) is the maximum vulnerability when \(\epsilon = 1\)
When separation and vulnerability are mechanistically linked, R0 grows linearly with separation
flowchart LR subgraph IP["Infection Process"] A[Residential segregation] --> B(Isolation) A --> C(Concentration) C --> D{Infection <br> Inequity} B --> D end subgraph MP["Mortality Process"] D --> E((Case Fatality <br> Rate)) E --> F{Mortality <br> Inequity} B --> G(Healthcare <br> Access/Quality) G .-> I(Comorbidity <br> Prevalence) .-> E end H{{Structural Racism}} --> A H --> G H --> I style IP fill:none style MP fill:none
Mismatch between individual-level outcomes and spatialized measures (i.e. ecological fallacy).
Increasing reliance on non-mechanistic metrics of social risks, e.g. social vulnerabulity index.
Non-random missingness of key demographic covariates (e.g. race & ethnicity).
Flaky population denominators that get worse as you break them down more.
We haven’t touched on differential outcomes of infection including death and severe disease.
How do we go from this very simple framework to real-world data?
What implications are there for prevention and intervention?
Work supported by NIMHD R01MD017218
For more info abour our research check out epibayes.io
Related tutorials and teaching materials on my blog at zelnotes.io
I have to leave midday tomorrow to hopefully not injure myself at my daughter’s 7th birthday party at a trampoline park.
So: Please send me a note at jzelner@umich.edu
if any of this is of interest and we don’t get to talk!